Chamber of Deputies

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The term "Deputy" refers to an elected Member of the Chamber of Deputies.
According to Article 67 of the Constitution, "Each Member of Parliament represents the Nation" (that is to say, he or she represents all the citizens of the country and not just his or her electors), "and carries out his or her duties without being limited by his or her mandate." In other words, the MP's decisions are made freely and are not constrained by the need to fulfil a specific task.
Further, according to Article 68 of the Constitution "Members of Parliament cannot be held accountable for the opinions expressed or votes cast in the performance of their function."
The Deputies' duties include participating in the full range of parliamentary activities ­- on the Floor of the House, in Committees of which they are members, in the Committees appointed by the President, in parliamentary Groups - where, using the powers attributed to them, they may present various legislative instruments, such as bills, amendments, parliamentary questions, challenges and motions. In addition, Deputies also carry out their duties beyond the confines of Parliament through their work in political parties, with citizen groups, in their electoral constituencies and so on. Direct and continuous contact with the social and economic fabric of the country is essential for nurturing and enriching the political activity of the Chamber of Deputies.

Like the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies is re-elected every five years unless Parliament is dissolved early.
The Deputies number 400 and are elected by citizens who have reached 18 years of age.
The minimum age for a Deputy is 25 years (Article 56 of the Constitution).
Eight Deputies are elected by Italian citizens residing abroad.
The website provides extensive information about the Deputies. Specifically, the website includes a fact sheet on each Member of the Chamber of Deputies comprising a photograph, an e-mail address, links to web pages (if available), biographical details and information about election to parliament, the parliamentary group to which the MP belongs, his or her membership of parliamentary bodies and any offices or government posts held. The fact sheet also gives details of activities carried out by the MP in his or her capacity as a member of one of the various bodies of the Chamber or as a member of a joint parliamentary body.
Over the last few parliamentary terms it has become possible to gain access, from the fact sheet of each Member, to a copy of their assets documentation as required by law, as well as to a statement of the offices held and the business and professional activities performed, as required by the Rules of Procedure of the Committee on the Elections and the Code of Conduct for Members of the Chamber of Deputies.